Trade 114 | Yūgen Go

The first time in all this travelling I actually had to visit a consulate in person in order to jump through the necessary hoops to get a visa but it proved itself more than worth the hassle. While behind the curve in its marketing and accessibility, Algeria’s South-East hides the most remarkable stretch of Saharan desert comprised of red rock and sand set ablaze by golden sunsets ands sunrises bookending nights that reveal the Milky Way in the sky to the naked eye.

A small group of MBA students and I from various corners of the world took a convoy of LandCruisers out to camp in the desert for a half a week The Tuaregs provided our guides, a Saharan ethnic group with a penchant for off-roading, tea and good craic around a fire.

For this trade I also short a short film that can also be viewed below.

British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.