Trade 113 | Salmon Berry Tours

A reasonable amount of Alaska trading potential had been lost to a lack of snow where it was needed; November was a time of year when the summer stuff was over but the winter hadn’t kicked in yet. Interested travel companies didn’t have much use for grey, slushy photos. But in the last week the snow came and made up for lost time. Salmon Berry got in touch and sent me up North to see a bit more of what you might picture when someone says ‘Alaska’.

To my surprise ‘Drive your own dog sled’ meant a 5 minute lesson before being given the reins to set loose and steer 5 huskies desperate to run as fast as their legs will let them. So the brake was an important part of said lesson.

British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.