Trade 1 | Rachel Croft

A prologue trade of sorts. An extended stay rediscovering my University city on route to a trade in Scotland. York is a city of obscure chimneys, overzealous geese and independent trade embedded in its historic stonework. Found within the city walls is artist and musician Rachel Croft.

Well established within York's music scene Rachel was quite literally stopped in the street by an admiring fan, jokingly assuring me afterwards she had not paid them to do so. The other half of her talents lie in the ability to put pen to paper. It's always intriguing watching someone work with a skillset so far from your own, the ability to write straight let alone draw being an elusive skill for me. The trade was documenting the process as she sketched and painted one of her recent commissions.

In exchange for my photography Rachel is also creating a watercolour illustration for my project and more of her work can be found through the links below.

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British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.