Trade 9 | Overdressed & Underprepared

A short pause in the project for a week with family celebrating my parents' 30th wedding anniversary away in Dorset. During which I helped my brother with some imagery for his fashion and lifestyle blog Overdressed & Underprepared, aptly titled by a sixth-form teacher as he showed up once again sharply dressed but with no homework in hand. 

The blog has him sent a variety of fashion items to feature that I helped photograph. Not a trade in the same form as the others but he has provided one his many jackets to me that helped greatly in trades to come as well as the photo of me I'm currently using across the project. Enough of a trade to provide an excuse to share images of this remarkable part of the UK coastline.



British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.