Trade 8 | Abbie & Alex

Abbie & Alex picked me up from the train station and dropped me off at the reception venue - Crasken Farm - on the Wednesday evening where I would camp for the next three nights. A little nervously perhaps. Setting up your wedding photographer to camp sounds one way in email and looks another way when the time comes. But they had set me up with everything I needed (and a pack of beer) and I settled in without issue. "How will I know who's Duncan?" I queried on finding the venue owner. "You'll know. He looks like the leader... like the guy who traded in his Bentley to open this place". "Hmm, okay".

I had no trouble finding Duncan following a stern 7am wake up call the next day from my Geese neighbours. I'm attempting to travel worldwide with no money by trading my photography for my basic needs. No more, no less. So I was expecting weddings to be part of such a project and it didn't take long. This was trade 8 and the first wedding of the project and also the first wedding I had ever photographed.

Abbie, Alex and all of their friends and family were so welcoming I felt like a guest from day 1. Given I had no intention of going any near wedding photography when I bought my first camera, these few days surpassed my expectations proving fantastic fun to be a small part of. When the couple, their company and the venue are on form like this the photos take themselves.

Helston, england


British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.