Richard Tilney-Bassett

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Trade 110 | University of Alaska Anchorage

It was almost worthy of some form of comedy sketch. Each Alaskan anecdote told by Brian and Judy, no matter how innocuous it’s beginning, would find it’s protagonist meeting an abrupt end by wildlife intervention. Someone goes for a run; tracked and eaten by wolves. Another goes for a walk; mauled by a bear. Even the abundant moose would give you a good kicking if they thought you’d earned it. “They don’t buck like a horse; they can kick in all directions”.

“But that’s really very rare” would come in the footnotes of each story. Before moving to the next. A small risk in the grand Alaskan picture of mountain scenery and freezers full of wild-caught game of the delicious, non-mauling variety.

Judy worked for the community engagement department in the university that brought me over from the East coast to photograph some of their ongoing community projects: language classes for immigrants & refugees, a homeless care program, birding, an environmental think tank... an eclectic mix over a few days, but the images are just for the university so instead here I have a collection of shots from one of our hikes and my wondering around Anchorage.