Trade 2 | Brew York

The UK is doing pretty well in the craft beer scene.  As a recent lager-to-ale convert, the choice provided by a decent shop or pub is overwhelming but the little things can help bottles stand out in the crowd. Some get it, some don't. Brew York seem to get it.

It shows in the little touches around their brewery, clearly thought out design decisions down to the bottle label typeface and, of course, good beer. It all adds up. This was a brief trade - in exchange for my ticket onwards to Scotland - following meeting their co-founder Lee at the beer festival they had just hosted. 

Nonetheless, it was one I enjoyed documenting the details of. There is a simple beauty to a couple of people setting up a little corner of their city to create something they love. Particularly when that thing is beer.

Brew York



British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.