Trade 106 | Jordana Rex

Two things have been on my mind recently: the role of my writing in the project and how to get to/where to aim for in South America. Then I met book reviewer Brazilian-turned-New Yorker Jordana. Not that I’m anywhere near having a book to review yet, but it was another mind to think out loud at on the topic of stories and pen-to-paper while also being encouraged in the most biased way possible that Brazil should absolutely be my target for continent number six.

Drawn to New York City for as long as she can remember growing up in Brazil, Jordana had eventually made the move happen. Now here and seemingly infatuated with everything on the cities spectrum of culture from the humble Shake Shack to You’ve Got Mail’s Café Lalo and, of course, endless repeats of Friends episodes. We shot a few reading orientated portraits and shot a video for her YouTube channel. While writing this I have no idea how it has turned out but I will share here when published.

British photographer moving between hosts and countries through a back-to-back series of creative trades. Exchanging my photography for all of my needs in a mission to reach every continent without needing money.